The members of the Committee of Recommendation attend the meetings of the committee personally and support HOGIAF in achieving its goals. The members of the Committee of Recommendation advise to the Executive Board of HOGIAF if needed. There are no scheduled meetings but there can be one-to-one consultation between members of the Committee of Recommendation and HOGIAF when needed.

The Committee of Recommendation is composed of individuals who have earned their spurs within the Dutch society. The members of the Committee of Recommendation are as follows:



Mr. Mohamed Sini (Chairman)

Former Senator, member of the advisory board NTR and senior strategic advisor of board national corps The Netherlands.



Mr. Frans Weisglas

Former President of the House of Representatives.



Mr. Bernard Bot

Former Chairman of Clingendael Instituut, Partner at Meines & Partners, former Minister of Foreign Affairs.



Ms. Annemarie Jorritsma

Former Minister of economic affairs and former Vice-President, member Senate, chairman of the commissioner board of Alliander.


Mr. Lodewijk de Waal

Former commissioner at ING Bank, Director and former Chairman of the Federation of Dutch Trade Unions (FNV).



Mr. Frans van Steenis

Former General Director of the Chamber of Commerce of the Netherlands, former chairman of the board of the Nederlandse Staatsloterij.



Ms. Marjet van Zuijlen

Former Chairman of the Supervisory Board of The Hague Marketing and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Nationale Toneel.